Thursday, September 19, 2013


1. Don’t Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is very important. It is a foundation for your body, which affects the mind. It gives you energy and strength to start a day, which help reducing blood cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease, activating you metabolism to eat other meals less and feel full easily.

2. Drink A Lot of Water. 
Drink at least 2 liters or half gallon of water a day. It helps providing nourishment to you cells in the body, restoring the digestive system, maintaining blood concentrations and flow smoothly. Besides, it makes you staying refresh all day long.

3. Bone Is The Core Axis of The Body.
You can easily strengthens your bone by drinking a lot of milk, tofu, products from soybean, green vegetable because these are the sources of calcium. Calcium is essential for your body to build muscle and bone. Importantly, it helps your nervous system to work effectively.

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